Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turn your head and cough!

The Italian Healthcare System is ranked 2nd in the world. Impressive, yet I'm not sure what it means. It seems everyone gets what they need out of the system.  They get to choose their own doctor, receive treatment, obtain meds, undergo surgery, etc., all courtesy of the Italian Government.  I haven't used the system yet, but today I signed myself into it.  No exam, no questions, I just handed over my Codice Fiscale (SSN) and my Carta D'identità (ID), chose my doctor and signed my name twice.  I received a print-out of my Doctor's hours and a temporary health card; the plastic one arrives by mail within a month. 

Then, it hit me. . . 

I'm not working; I have no income; no job; no job prospects; I'm waiting for my state teacher's  pension to start in July 2012, yet, my healthcare is covered by merely claiming my Italian heritage through  jure sanguinis and becoming a citizen. 

The Boys in Rome

You won't hear many complaints in this blog about life here or there,  even though there's always something rubbing me the wrong way or amusing me to no end; it seems that much more can be learned from what works well--either here or there!  A nation's challenge is applying the knowledge of "what works" as needed, so that all may benefit from what is good and right!

Bravo Italia!
Sister Supermodels


  1. Very beautiful sisters !!!

    Beppe Bra .

  2. Nice post.
    LOVE the picture - of the trees.
    And the sisters...

  3. Gosh Bob that is great! Medical here in the good old US of A can make ya sick....
    L&D look fab......

  4. The picture of the sisters is great, but OMG those trees!
